Unlike undefined behavior, unspecified and implementation-defined behavior occur all the time in a normal C++ program. Making use of unspecified/implementation-defined behavior is unavoidable, but relying on specific behavior can be fatal.

The C++ standard does not specify what happens in every scenario, so the implementation has the freedom to implement behavior, constants, macro definitions, and more in multiple possible ways.


Behavior unspecified by the standard is not necessary to document, but still valid. The range of possible behavior behavior can be predictable and is sometimes even specified explicitly by the C++ standard. However, in most cases, the exact behavior can not be predicted.

Common Examples

The following things are unspecified (list not exhaustive):

  • whether all string literals are distinct (they might have different addresses)
  • the initial value of storage allocated by new (often zero when getting new memory from the OS)
  • evaluation order of operands of some operators (for A + B, B might be evaluated before A)
  • amount of time it takes for a thread to make progress (but eventual progress is guaranteed)
  • whether references require any storage (they usually do, just like pointers)

Unspecified behavior can be as predictable as “we probably know what happens”, such as a reference requiring some storage when used as a class member. However, it can also be nonsensical to define, such as the initial value of storage allocated by new. The new operator usually uses std::malloc to allocate storage, but the initial value of std::malloc’s storage is indeterminate.

From the C++20 standard:

unspecified behavior behavior, for a well-formed program construct and correct data, that depends on the implementation

Note: The implementation is not required to document which behavior occurs. […]

See 3.31 [defns.unspecified]


Implementation-defined is a lesser evil than unspecified, because the implementation details must be documented. Relying on implementation-defined behavior can still cause portability issues such as code working only on one operating system, but at least, these portability issues are known and predictable.

Common Examples

The following things are implementation-defined (list not exhaustive):

  • the exact size of fundamental types such as int and long
  • definition of the NULL macro (possibly 0, ((void*)0), or nullptr)
  • conversions between pointers and integers (reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(...))
  • nesting limit for #include directives
  • choice of larger or smaller value for float literals (round up or down if necessary)
  • operating systems on which implementation depends
  • value of pow(0,0) (usually 1)

All of these details are documented somewhere, whether it is in standard library headers, manual pages of the OS, etc. Problems only arise when the developer relies on one particular implementation. A common example is assuming that long will be at least 64 bits in size, when actually, only 32 bits are guaranteed by the standard. Windows requires long to be 32 bits, while Unix-like operating systems use 64 bits.

From the C++20 standard:

implementation-defined behavior behavior, for a well-formed program construct and correct data, that depends on the implementation and that each implementation documents

See 3.13 [defns.impl.defined]

See Also