Fixed-width integers are integral types with a fixed number of bits. The C++ standard only specifies a minimum byte count for types such as short, int and long. Fixed-width integers guarantee a specific size, but their use can have an impact on portability, since they are not supported by all platforms.

Fixed-width integer types

These can be used by including <cstdint>. The intX_t types are signed integers with exactly X bits. uintX_t types are the same, but unsigned.

  • std::int8_t / std::uint8_t (1 byte)
    • Note: These are treated as characters on most systems. When printing variables of this type, they might show up as their ASCII equivalent.
  • std::int16_t / std::uint16_t (2 bytes)
  • std::int32_t / std::uint32_t (4 bytes)
  • std::int64_t / std::uint64_t (8 bytes)

Note: The number of bytes is the number of bits in the type, divided by the number of bits in one byte. On architectures where bits per byte != 8, some or even all of these types may not be defined.

The more portable alternative

To optimize integral types for faster access times and to ensure portability with more exotic architectures, the following types allow the compiler to choose a suitable integer size, while also ensuring a minimum number of bits.

For every std::(u)intX_t type there is a std::(u)int_leastX_t that represents the smallest integral type with at least X bits. These optimize for memory.

Likewise, there are types that optimize for speed: std::(u)int_fastX_t (the fastest integral type with at least X bits).

Fixed-width integer range

Unsigned integers with X bits range from 0 to 2X - 1. Signed integers with X bits typically range from -2X-1 to 2X-1 - 1, assuming two’s complement representation.

Accurate, platform-specific ranges can also be found in <cstdint>:

  • INTX_MIN / INTX_MAX (minimum and maximum values for std::intX_t and std::uintX_t)
  • INT_LEASTX_MIN / INT_LEASTX_MAX (minimum and maximum values for std::int_leastX_t and std::uint_leastX_t)
  • INT_FASTX_MIN / INT_FASTX_MAX (minimum and maximum values for std::int_fastX_t and std::uint_fastX_t)

In C++, the standardized way of getting the limits of various numeric types is the class template std::numeric_limits defined in <limits>:

  • std::numeric_limits<T>.min() - minimum value for an integer of type T
  • std::numeric_limits<T>.max() - maximum value for an integer of type T


#include <cstdint>
#include <climits> // for CHAR_BIT
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    // 16-bit (2-byte) integer
    std::uint16_t year = 1984;
    // Check size in bytes, will usually be 2
    std::cout << year << ": " << sizeof(year) << " bytes" << std::endl;
    // Multiply by CHAR_BIT (number of bits in one byte) to get size in bits
    std::cout << "Size of fastest integer with at least 16 bits: " << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(std::int_fast16_t)) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Maximum value: " << INT_FAST16_MAX << std::endl;
    return 0;

Compiling and running the above program with gcc on a 64-bit Intel architecture produces the following result:

1984: 2 bytes
Size of fastest integer with at least 16 bits: 64
Maximum value: 9223372036854775807

The std::uint16_t variable is 2 bytes wide, as expected. The compiler decided that the fastest integral type with at least 16 bits is the 64-bit integer on this architecture.

See Also